Contact Information
Champaign, IL 61820
Research Areas
Professor Kolodziej is Emeritus Research Professor Political Science and the founder and former Director of the Center for Global Studies at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2000-2016). He is also a co-founder and served as the Director of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security (1983-1986, 2010-16).
At the University of Illinois, Professor Kolodziej has served as Head of the Department of Political Science (1972-77). He was previously a faculty member at the University of Virginia (1962-72) and served as Chair of the Department of Government and Foreign Affairs (1967-69).
Professor Kolodziej has written or edited twenty books and monographs on security, foreign policy, and international relations and global theory, including five single-authored volumes: The Uncommon Defense and Congress: 1945-63 (Ohio State, 1966), 30,000 copies of Chapter 1 circulated by the House of Representatives for the National Collegiate debate topic of 1968-69; French International Policy under De Gaulle and Pompidou: The Politics of Grandeur (Cornell, 1974), nominated for a Pulitzer Prize; Making and Marketing Arms: The French Experience and Its Implications for the International System (Princeton, 1987), cited by Choice as one of the major contributions to political science in 1987; Security and International Relations (Cambridge University Press, 2005), translated into Chinese and Romanian; and Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy and Global Society (Rowman-Littlefield, 2016). He has recently published Global Governance: Evaluating the Liberal Democratic, Chinese, and Russian Solutions (Routledge, 2022).
Professor Kolodziej has contributed more than 140 articles to peer reviewed professional journals and chapters to edited volumes. He has consulted on security and global politics to many government units, corporations, and NGOs and has served on numerous editorial boards, notably International Studies Quarterly and European Security, and reviewed multiple volumes for top university and commercial presses. He has also served on a committee of the American Political Science Association for the award of the best doctoral dissertation in international relations. The President of Harvard President also invited Professor Kolodziej to advise on the proposed appointment of a senior professor in Political Science.
He was appointed a Fellow in Global Governance at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia in 1999 and a Visiting Professor of Political Economy at Senshu University, Tokyo, in 2001. He was also appointed Visiting Professor of International Security at Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, in 2006 and Visiting Professor of EU-US Relations at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, in 2007. In 2008, he was appointed Visiting Lecturer at Beijing University.
Professor Kolodziej has lectured (in English and French) at universities, research centers, and governmental agencies in over 40 countries on all continents. He has lectured in China at Renmin, Beijing, Shanghai, and Fudan Universities, Nanyang University in Singapore, and at universities in India, Pakistan, Latin America, and Africa.
Professor Kolodziej has received many grants and awards, notably from the Ford, Rockefeller, and MacArthur Foundations, the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, NATO, Smithsonian’s Woodrow Wilson Center, Fulbright, U.S. Institute of Peace, IREX, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), the Social Science Research Council, and the US Department of Education (Title VI). He was also named a University Scholar and was appointed on two occasions to the Center for Advanced Study at the University of Illinois. He is also a grantee of UIUC's Chancellor’s Initiative program that resulted in the University of Georgia volume. Under his directorship, the Center for Global Studies (CGS) was awarded $7.0 million in competitive grants from the U.S. Department of Education between 2001 and 2016. CGS was also designated a National Resource in Global Studies in four successive national competitions among major research universities. Additional grants of $1.6 million for global and security studies were received from U.S. Department of State and the Social Science Research Council.
At the University of Illinois, Professor Kolodziej has received the Political Science Department’s Pi Sigma Alpha Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, and the all-campus Burlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Award for teaching and scholarship. He offered all-campus undergraduate and graduate courses in global governance and global politics and security and has taught in the Honors and Civic Leadership programs at UIUC.
Professor Kolodziej is a member of numerous professional societies, including the American Political Science Association, International Political Science Association, International Studies Association, International Institute for Strategic Studies, and the New York Council on Foreign Relations.
Professor Kolodziej is listed in Who’s Who and Who’s Who among American Teachers. Married to Antje Heberle-Tönnies Kolodziej; four sons, nine grandchildren.
Research Interests
- Politics of the Global Society and Governance
- International Relations Theory
Research Description
The titles of my three single-authored volumes describes my research and publication interests:
- Security and International Relations (London: Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2005
- Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy and Global Society (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016)
- Global Governance: Evaluating the Liberal Democratic, Chinese, and Russian Solutions (New York: Routledge, 2022)
Professor Kolodziej has published over 140 book chapters and peer reviewed articles in professional journals.
Ph.D. Political Science, University of Chicago, 1961
Courses Taught
- Introduction to International Relations
- Theory of International Relations
- Politics and Governance of the Global Society
- International Security
Additional Campus Affiliations
External Links
Highlighted Publications
- From Superpower to Besieged Global Power: Restoring World Order after the Bush Doctrine’s Failure. University of Georgia Press, 2008.
- Kolodziej, Edward. A Force Profonde The Power, Politics, and Promise of Human Rights, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003.
- Security and International Relations (London: Cambridge Univeristy Press, 2005
- Governing Globalization: Challenges for Democracy and Global Society (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016)
- Global Governance: Evaluating the Liberal Democratic, Chinese, and Russian Solutions (New York: Routledge, 2022)