Digital Storytelling explores how storytelling can play a central role in planning education and practice by democratizing knowledge, sharpening critical judgement, and expanding our practical tools...
- "Gender and Environment in the Amazon". This course, taught by Professor McKenzie Johnson, explores the intersection of gender, environment, and violence, focusing on the unique...
- Embark on a transformative journey with FAA 491 section PR or UP 494 section PR in Spring 2025! A hands-on course blending multidisciplinary learning and real-...
- GLBL 501 Provides graduate students in a variety of fields with an understanding of key global concepts and methods, and introduces them to different perspectives on globalization...
- Tuesdays; 2-4:50 pm; 4 graduate credit hours. This course examines youth as a historically and culturally specific social formation. It examines the discursive and material positioning of youth...
- Introduces students to the main theoretical frameworks and conceptual building blocks of urban and community development in the global South. It helps students to develop a critical grassroots...
- ABE 232 (CRN 75460) / AFST 233 (CRN 75542) ABE 232/AFST 233 introduces students to Contextual Engineering, which evaluates social and cultural conditions to determine the appropriateness of an...
- GLBL 500 Students will examine three propositions: (1) the existence of a global society; (2) the flaws of its principal, global institutions – the state, markets, and democracy;...
- GLBL 499 This course examines the historical and contemporary transformations associated with globalization from the perspective of information as a core element of sociotechnical and political...