Research Interests
Education and Development; Language and Literacy; Language, Identity andTransnationlism; Women and Community Development; Women, Gender, Education andInternational Development; Cross-border Issues, Development and Regional Integration in West Africa
Research Description
Dr. Maimouna Barro is Associate Director at the Center for African Studies at the University of Illinois. She received a Master's in African Studies, a doctoral degree in education, as well as a minor in Gender Relations in International Development (GRID) from the University of Illinois.
In her role as Associate Director in charge of academic programming and curriculum development, Dr. Barro teaches undergraduate and graduate core courses in African Studies and oversees an undergraduate minor, a graduate minor, a Master of Arts degree, as well as and a joint degree in African Studies and Library Information Science. Dr. Barro’s research interests include issues related to women, gender, education, and social change in Senegal and West Africa. Her current research addresses questions related to a more people-centered approach to regional integration and focuses on the importance of women’s informal networks in the regional integration project in West Africa.
- Ph.D. in Education with a minor in Women and Gender in Global Perspectives, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2005
- Gender Roles in International Development (GRID) Certificate, May 2005
- M.A. in African Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997
- B.A. & Maitrise in English (Honors), University of Saint-Louis, Senegal, 1993-1995
- Exchange Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, 1995
Additional Campus Affiliations
Associate Director, Center for African Studies
Affiliate, Center for African Studies
Affiliate, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity
Affiliate, Curriculum and Instruction
Recent Publications
Barro, M. (2012). Development aid and higher education in Africa: The need for more effective partnerships between African universities and major American foundations. CODESRIA bulletin, (01-02), 20-29. https://doi.org/10.57054/cb01-022012453
Barro, M. A. (2010). Trans-nationalizing the African public sphere: What role for trans-border languages? Africa Development, 35(1-2), 55-70. https://doi.org/10.4314/ad.v35i1-2.70193
Barro, M. A. (2009). The Role of Literacy in Enhancing Women's Agency and Well-Being: A Qualitative Inquiry of the Effects of the Tostan Educational Program on the Lives of Women in a Rural Community in Senegal. VDM Verlag.