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Andrew Orta

Profile picture for Andrew Orta

Contact Information

Department of Anthropology
382 Davenport Hall
607 S Mathews Ave.
M/C 148
Urbana, IL 61801


Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor, Anthropology
Professor, Global Studies Programs and Courses
Acting Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Highlighted Publications

Orta, A. (2019). Making Global MBAs: The Culture of Business and the Business of Culture. (California Series in Public Anthropology; Vol. 47). University of California Press.

Orta, A. (2024). Lessons of What Never Was: “Un-Justifying” Capitalism to Imagine Alternative Futures. In Ethical Economy (pp. 165-181). (Ethical Economy; Vol. 68). Springer.

Orta, A. (2013). Managing the margins: MBA training, international business, and "the value chain of culture". American Ethnologist, 40(4), 689-703.

Orta, A. (2013). Forged Communities and Vulgar Citizens: Autonomy and its Límites in Semineoliberal Bolivia. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 18(1), 108-133.

Orta, A. (2004). Catechizing Culture: Missionaries, Aymara, and the "New Evangelization". Columbia University Press.

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Recent Publications

Orta, A. (2025). The Production of Management and the Disappearance of the Manager in MBA Education. In J. Carrier (Ed.), Unraveling Management Its Institutions, Practices and Beliefs (pp. 33-54). Berghahn Books.

Orta, A. (2024). Lessons of What Never Was: “Un-Justifying” Capitalism to Imagine Alternative Futures. In Ethical Economy (pp. 165-181). (Ethical Economy; Vol. 68). Springer.

Orta, A. (2024). Lessons of What Never Was: `Un-justifying’ Capitalism to Imagine Alternative Futures. In M. Dion, & M. Pava (Eds.), Justifying Next Stage Capitalism: Exploring a Hopeful Future (pp. 165-181). (Ethical Economy: Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy; No. 68). Springer Nature.

Orta, A. (2021). Conversions and convergences: Inculturation and neoliberalism in turn-of-the-21st-century Bolivia. In C. Büschges, A. Müller, & N. Oehri (Eds.), Liberation Theology and the Others: Contextualizing Catholic Activism in 20th Century Latin America Rowman & Littlefield.

Orta, A. (2020). Indigenous Christianities: Commensuration, (de)colonization, and cultural production in Latin America. In D. T. Orique O.P, S. Fitzpatrick-Behrens, & V. Garrard (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Latin American Christianity

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