The Illinois Global Institute invites proposals for the New Approaches to International Area and Global Studies grants. The New Approaches grant supports multidisciplinary initiatives to increase UIUC engagement with world regions and with global questions beyond the current scope of the eleven area and global studies centers and thematic programs within IGI. The grant will provide up to $30,000 for the duration of the grant period, which can range from 1 to 3 years. The New Approaches grant will support projects to develop area and global thematic approaches in teaching, research, and/or public engagement. The New Approaches grants are intended as developmental opportunities that can expand the scope of area and global studies at UIUC. Full time faculty and staff at UIUC are eligible to apply for the grant. We welcome proposals that include participation by faculty and staff at other higher education institutions in Illinois.
Complete materials should be combined and sent as one PDF and addressed to IGI-info@illinois.edu Please include your last name and NEW APPROACHES SUBMISSION in the subject line.
Proposal Deadline: January 31, 2025