CGS Event Series: Scholarship In Progress

Please join the CGS team in welcoming Mayra Alejandra Saenz Amaguaya (PhD Candidate in the Agricultural and Consumer Economics Department) for her lecture, "Can Institutional Factors Affect Intergenerational Family Transfers?" on Thursday, October 5th at 12PM in 309 International and Area Studies Library (Main Library) and on Zoom. 

This lecture investigates the impact of institutional factors, specifically the introduction of Seguro Popular, a Mexican public health insurance program, on upward intergenerational transfers from adult children to their older parents. Using data from the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS), covering years before and after the adoption of Seguro Popular, the research aims to answer whether public health insurance programs influence the financial and non-financial support older adults receive from their children.

This analysis reveals that enrollment in Seguro Popular increases the likelihood of older adults receiving monetary transfers from their children by 6% while having no significant impact on non monetary transfers or the size of the monetary transfers. These findings contribute to the ongoing debate about how public interventions affect family support dynamics, suggesting a “crowding in” effect where public and private transfers are complementary rather than substitutes. The study also has important policy implications for enhancing the welfare of older adults in contexts where state-provided social safety nets are limited.

Mayra Alejandra Saenz Amaguaya’s research focuses on Household Economics, Demographic Economics, Poverty and Inequality, and Nutrition. Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked at the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank.