Please see the list of upcoming CGS talks and panel discussions for the fall semester of 2020. To download, please click here.
9/15 Rajmohan Gandhi (UIUC), “Inequalities, Ethnonationalism, and the Pandemic: An Attempt to Understand Current Trends in the U.S. and India"
9/29 Ian Brooks (UIUC), “WHO, the Center for Health Informatics, and COVID-19”
10/7 Courtney Cuthbertson (UIUC), “Toxic Water and Corroded Trust: Stress and Mental Health in the Flint Water Crisis”
10/14 Eric T. Freyfogle (UICU), “Water, Community, and the Culture of Owning”
10/21 Chimène Keitner (UC Hastings College of Law), “China’s Responsibility for COVID-19: Are Lawsuits the Answer?”
11/11 Emily Mendenhall (Georgetown), Bayla Ostrach (BU), Caitlin Clarke (UIUC), & Rebecca Smith (UIUC), “Syndemics: Theory & Application”
12/2 Emma Robbins (Director, Navajo Water Project), “Water Scarcity & COVID-19 at the Navajo Nation”