CGS proudly hosted MillerComm 2019: Constructing Solidarities in the Global Justice Movement: A Feminist Perspective presented by Manisha Desai on March 13th, 2019.

Event Description:
Professor Desai discussed the politics of transnational projects to build links and solidarities between movements of women activists differently situated in local and global systems of power. She shared insights gained from sustained engagements with the dynamic ways in which localized movements challenge global injustices while highlighting the differences between the global and the local.
Her talk explored the following questions: How do differently situated and subordinated groups learn from one another? How do we build bonds of solidarity necessary to sustain a global movement for justice?
Bio: Manisha Desai is a Professor of Sociology and Asian and Asian American Studies at the University of Connecticut. Committed to decolonizing knowledge and social justice, her research and teaching interests include Gender and Globalization, Transnational Feminisms and women’s movements, Human Rights movements, and Contemporary Indian Society.
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