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Caitlin Vitosky Clarke

Profile picture for Caitlin Vitosky Clarke

Contact Information

906 S. Goodwin Ave
298 Freer Hall
Urbana, IL 61801

Research Areas

Teaching Assistant Professor

Research Description

My work encompasses a broad range of interdisciplinary work within the Sociology of Health. I was trained in Anthropology for my BA and in cultural studies and sport sociology for my Ph.D. in Kinesiology and Community Health at UIUC. As a result, I strive for highly interdisciplinary and collaborative research efforts aimed at health sciences and physical culture.

My primary research agenda is focused on the use of exercise interventions as a solution for health issues such as depression and anxiety. I am concerned with how exercise science researchers conceptualize their research participants, the diseases in question, exercise, and the relationship between the disease and exercise. I am interested in the production of knowledge in this area and how it impacts social perceptions of people with mental illness, particularly in relation to the perception of mental illness as an economic burden and the promotion of individualized self-care.

Using my background in sport sociology and sociology of mental health, I have collaborated frequently on topics related to health and physical activity including college athletics contexts.


Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.A. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Courses Taught

CHLH 380 Orientation to Internship

CHLH 485 Internship

KIN 104 Ice Skating Activities

CHLH 304 Foundations of Health Behavior

SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

SOC 162 International Health Policy
SOC 196 Intersection of STS and Sociology of Mental Health
SOC 274 Health Illness & Society
SOC 196/396 Sport and Mental Health

Additional Campus Affiliations

Teaching Assistant Professor, Kinesiology and Community Health
Teaching Assistant Professor, School of Information Sciences
Teaching Assistant Professor, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity

Recent Publications

Fu, Y., Clarke, C. V., Van Moer, M., & Schneider, J. (2024). Exploring evidence selection with the inclusion network. Quantitative Science Studies, 5(1), 219-245.

Adamson, B., DiFilippo, K., Frasca, E., & Clarke, C. V. (2023). Using Autoethnographic Writing to Teach Critical Thinking in Health Behavior Theory Courses. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, 9(4), 258-264.

Clarke, C. V., & Adamson, B. C. (2023). A syndemics approach to exercise is medicine. Health (United Kingdom), 27(3), 323-344.

Clarke, C. V., Pericak, K., Adamson, B. C., & Mahoney, K. (2023). A Syndemics Approach to NCAA Collegiate Sport Participation During COVID-19. In D. L. Andrews, H. Thorpe, & J. I. Newman (Eds.), Sport and Physical Culture in Global Pandemic Times: COVID Assemblages (pp. 569-596). (Global Culture and Sport Series). Springer.

Pericak, K., & Clarke, C. V. (2023). Embodied regulation: the case of women collegiate athletes. Sport in Society, 26(12), 1957-1978.

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