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Mary Kalantzis



Mary Kalantzis is Professor in the Department of Education, Policy, Organization and Leadership at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. She is a world leader in the ‘new literacy studies’, focusing on multimodality and diversity in contemporary communications. In recent years she worked to conceptualize the nature of communication and learning in the digital age, focusing on the policy, practice and pedagogical design implications of new technologies in education, from early childhood to higher education. With Bill Cope, she is co-author or editor of: Multiliteracies: Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures, Routledge, 2000; New Learning: Elements of a Science of Education, Cambridge University Press, 2008/2nd edition 2012; Ubiquitous Learning, University of Illinois Press, 2009; and Literacies, Cambridge University Press, 2012. In recent years, her work research and development work has focused on developing and testing a web application supporting teachers in the pedagogical design process (the Learning by Design Project - ), and Scholar, an online, multimodal student work space, supporting intensive peer-to-peer feedback and multifaceted formative assessment -

Research Interests

My academic research crosses a number of disciplines, including history, linguistics, education and sociology; and examines the varied themes of immigration, education, ethnicity, gender, culture, leadership and workplace change, professional learning and training, pedagogy and literacy learning.

My research activities in Australia have involved responsibilty for the management of, or major participant in, 116 research and development projects since 1991. I have been the recipient of ten large and four small Australian Research Council grants. A key set of projects have involved Multiliteracies research. This has been a decade long research initiative with colleagues from Australia, the United States and Britain to investigate the dual challenges for literacy teaching of cultural diversity and new communication technologies. It includes, participatory research in the area of multimodality and pedagogy working with teachers in Victoria, Australian Capital Territory (ACT), New South Wales and Queensland.

My efforts on issues related to immigration have included an international comparative study conducted for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, the development and documentation of Australian national policies linking school to work, several Queensland government-funded evaluations of services for immigrant communities that include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and an Australian federally-funded project on literacy skills required for work and training.

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Faculty Affiliate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)
Affiliate, Siebel Center for Design

Recent Publications

Kalantzis, M., & Cope, B. (2025). Literacy in the Time of Artificial Intelligence. Reading Research Quarterly, 60(1), Article e591.

Zapata, G. C., Saini, A. K., Tzirides, A. O., Cope, W., & Kalantzis, M. (2025). The Role of AI Feedback in University Students’ Learning Experiences: An Exploration Grounded in Activity Theory. Ubiquitous Learning, 18(2), 1-30.

Cope, B., & Kalantzis, M. (2024). A multimodal grammar of artificial intelligence: Measuring the gains and losses in generative AI. Multimodality & Society, 4(2), 123-152.

Cope, B., Kalantzis, M., & Tzirides, A. O. (2024). Meaning without borders: From translanguaging to transposition in the era of digitally-mediated meaning. In K. K. Grohmann (Ed.), Multifaceted Multilingualism (pp. 327-368). (Studies in Bilingualism; Vol. 66). John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Cope, B., & Kalantzis, M. (2024). On Cyber-Social Learning: A Critique of Artificial Intelligence in Education. In D. Kourkoulou, A. O. Tzirides, B. Cope, & M. Kalantzis (Eds.), Trust and Inclusion in AI-Mediated Education: Where Human Learning Meets Learning Machines (pp. 3-34). (Postdigital Science and Education; Vol. Part F3835). Springer.

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