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Gloriana González Rivera


Research Interests

Gloriana González's research has focused on problem-based instruction in mathematics classrooms. She has examined teachers' decision-making when handling students' prior knowledge during problem-based lessons and the rationality underlying those decisions. She has investigated teachers’ perspectives about using visual arts contexts for geometry instruction. With the support of a CAREER grant by the National Science Foundation, she led a project that created a professional development model combining animations and video clubs within a Lesson Study cycle to promote teacher learning.

She was a middle and high school mathematics teacher in Massachusetts and Puerto Rico. She was a member of the editorial panel of the Mathematics Teacher Educator, and the chair of the panel in 2018-2019.

With collaborators at the University of Puerto Rico, she as the Principal Investigator of a project funded by the National Science Foundation with the University of Puerto Rico for improving undergraduate mathematics teacher education through Lesson Study.

Currently, Gloriana González is investigating how to integrate design in geometry classrooms. In collaboration with the Siebel Center for Design at the University of Illinois, she is the Principal Investigator of a project funded by the National Science Foundation aimed at developing problem-based geometry lessons using a human-centered design approach. In 2024, she was a Visiting Professor at the Design School Kolding, Denmark.

Gloriana González was named University Scholar at the University of Illinois. She received the 2022 Mid-Career Award from the American Educational Research Association's Division K, Teaching and Teacher Education. She was elected Chair of the American Educational Research Association's Lesson Study Special Interest Group for the 2024-2027 term.


Educational Studies, PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


2023-2027, Principal Investigator (with Co-Principal Investigator Saadeddine Shehab), National Science Foundation Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) program grant (Award No. DRL-2300689), Engaging teachers in integrating human-centered design for geometry problem-based instruction ($1,375,742).

2023-2024, Principal Investigator (with Co-Principal Investigator Saadeddine Shehab), Designing an open lesson for engaging middle grades students in design justice, College of Education Seed Funding ($10,000).

2019-2022, Principal Investigator of National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) program collaborative grant with the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, Developing technological pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service math teachers by enhancement of a methods course using instrumental orchestration and lesson study strategies ($93,218).

2019-2022, Principal Investigator, GeoDesiC-Geometry and Design in Classrooms, Campus Research Board, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ($23,847).

2013-2019, Principal Investigator of National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Discovery Research K-12 (DRK-12) program grant:  CAREER: Noticing and using students’ prior knowledge in problem-based instruction ($853,675).

2012-2013, Co-Principal Investigator (with Adam Poetzel), Enhancing pre-service mathematics teacher preparation through rehearsals, recordings, and field-based methods courses, Provost's Initiative on Teaching Advancement (PITA), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ($7,500).

2011-2012, Principal Investigator, Mathematics teachers’ decision-making when activating students’ prior knowledge in problem-based instruction, Campus Research Board, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ($18,237).

2010-2011, Principal Investigator, Teachers’ tactical and strategic actions to manage students’ prior knowledge in problem-based instruction in mathematics, Hardie Faculty Fellows Award, College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign ($20,000).

Awards and Honors

2024, Visiting Professor, Design School Kolding, Denmark.

2023-2025, Center for Social and Behavioral Science Affiliate, University of Ilinois.

2023-2024, Siebel Center for Design Affiliate, University of Illinois.

2022-2025, University Scholar, University of Illinois.

2022, Mid-Career Award, American Educational Research Association, Division K.

2021-2022, Fellow, Building Pathways for Emerging Leaders at Illinois.

2021, Campus Distinguished Promotion Award, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

2020, New Leadership Academy Fellow, National Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good at the University of Michigan and American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE).

2015-2016, Distinguished Scholar Award, College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

2015, Emerging Scholar Award, North American Systemic Functional Linguistics Association.

2013, Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, College of Education, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

2010, Stanley E. and Ruth B. Dimond Best Dissertation Award, School of Education, University of Michigan.

2008, Susan S. Lipschutz Award for exceptional scholarly achievement, a sense of social responsibility and service, and a lively interest in promoting the success of women in the academic community, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. 

2006, Jones, Payne, Coxford Award for outstanding doctoral student in mathematics education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Affiliate, Center for Social & Behavioral Science
Affiliate, Siebel Center for Design

Recent Publications

González, G., Villafañe-Cepeda, W., & Hernández-Rodríguez, O. (2023). Leveraging prospective teachers’ knowledge through their participation in lesson study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 26(1), 79-102.

González, G., Hernández-Rodríguez, O., & Villafañe-Cepeda, W. (2023). Mentor Teachers' Four Intertwined Roles when Leading Lesson Study with Mathematics Preservice Teachers. In S. Dotger, G. Matney, J. Heckathorn, K. Chandler-Olcott, & M. Fox (Eds.), Lesson Study with Mathematics and Science Preservice Teachers: Finding the Form (pp. 34-45). (WALS-Routledge Lesson Study Series). Routledge.

González, G., & Rinkenberger, C. N. (2023). Teachers’ Evaluations of Geometry Problems That Use Visual Arts Contexts. Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education, 27(3), 1-19.

González, G. (2021). A Geometry Teacher’s Actions for Engaging Students in Mathematizing from Real-World Contexts: A Linguistic Analysis. In M. E. Brisk, & M. J. Schleppegrell (Eds.), Language in Action: SFL Theory across Contexts Equinox Publishing Ltd.

González, G. (2021). Elicit Math.

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