Contact Information
Inst Of Res Comm
228 Gregory Hall
M/C 463
Research Interests
My approach to research is interdisciplinary and I work at connecting my teaching, service and research as an integrated set of practices. To this end, besides my own efforts at researching and publications, I model thoughtfulness to my students and young colleagues in the field. I assist them in the process of research, publication and professionalizing endeavors. I have had opportunities to put this approach into practice. One important collaboration was a Mellon Foundation proposal, “Beyond Technological Fundamentalism: Educational Technologies and Digital Reform in the Global Americas,” for an interdisciplinary seminar aimed at putting into dialogue major international scholars and policy makers on ICT innovations for the classroom. The project aimed to emulate and put into discussion MIT's One Laptop per Child Program (OLPC) launched earlier in the decade. Our proposal was not funded but the exercise of preparation involved collaboration with representatives from CLACS, ICR, MACS, Informatics and Computing and GLIS. I have collaborated in the past year with six graduate students in AERA conference submissions, on joint presentations, and on publishing research produced from my “Elite Schools in Globalizing Circumstances” project—itself an international collaborative project with researchers from Australia, Singapore, South Africa, England and India.
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor Emeritus, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
External Links
Recent Publications
McCarthy, C. (2024). In Tribute to Norm. Qualitative Inquiry, 30(5), 430. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778004231219731
Hernando-Lloréns, B., López, L. L., Sanya, B. N., & McCarthy, C. (2023). Conviviality and the making of difference: an introduction. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 21(4), 431-436. https://doi.org/10.1080/14767724.2023.2236578
McCarthy, C. (2023). VISUAL CULTURAL PRACTICES OF POSTCOLONIAL ELITE SCHOOLS IN GLOBALIZING CIRCUMSTANCES. Imagens da Educação, 13(3), 220-237. https://doi.org/10.4025/imagenseduc.v13i3.65955
Pérez-Troncoso, M., & McCarthy, C. (2023). Racialized Boundaries Against Haitian Immigrants in Chile: Two Case Studies. Revista Internacional de Educacion para la Justicia Social, 12(2), 115-134. https://doi.org/10.15366/riejs2023.12.2.007
Samayeen, N., Wong, A., & McCarthy, C. (2022). Space to breathe: George Floyd, BLM Plaza and the monumentalization of divided American urban landscapes. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54(14), 2341-2351. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2020.1795980