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Stanley H Ambrose

Profile picture for Stanley H Ambrose

Contact Information

Department of Anthropology
607 S Mathews Ave.
M/C 148
Urbana, IL 61801

Research Areas


Research Interests

Modern Human Origins
Lithic Technology
Stable Isotope Ecology and Paleoecology
Evolution of Human Diet
Evolution of Cooperation
Behavioral Neuroendocrinology


PhD Berkeley, Anthropology, 1984
Post-doctoral Scholar, UCLA, 1984-85

Courses Taught

African Prehistory (ANTH 448)
Analysis of Lithic Technology (ANTH 452)
History Of Archaeological Theory (ANTH 461)
History of Human Evolution (ANTH 242)
Research Design and Proposal Writing (ANTH 511)
Evolution of Humans and Culture (ANTH 102)
Archaeometry: Sci methods in archaeol (ANTH 499SA)

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor, Anthropology
Affiliate, Earth Science and Environmental Change
Professor, Center for African Studies
Affiliate, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

Recent Publications

Hošek, J., Hošková, K., McCool, J. P., Varadzinová, L., Pokorná, A., Juřičková, L., Ambrose, S. H., & Varadzin, L. (2024). Fossil spring records from central Sudan reveal paleoenvironmental and settlement dynamics in the Eastern Sahel during the last 30 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344, Article 108928.

Martin, N., Thibeault, A., Varadzinová, L., Ambrose, S. H., Antoine, D., Brukner Havelková, P., Honegger, M., Irish, J. D., Osypiński, P., Usai, D., Vanderesse, N., Varadzin, L., Whiting, R. J., Velemínský, P., & Crevecoeur, I. (2024). From hunter-gatherers to food producers: New dental insights into the Nile Valley population history (Late Paleolithic–Neolithic). American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 184(4), Article e24948.

Qiu, Y., Shu, P., Ao, H., Zhang, Y., Wei, Q., Li, X., Chen, H., Wang, H., & Ambrose, S. H. (2024). The earliest microblade site 6800 years ago reveals broader social dimension than previous thought at the central high altitude Tibetan plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 328, Article 108551.

Wang, H., Li, H., Qiu, Y., Shu, P., Liu, Y., Liu, W., Sun, J., Du, S., Wang, J., & Ambrose, S. H. (2024). Seasonal landscape variability advances Lantian hominin's recognition capacity to strategically adapt to changing environments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 336, Article 108786.

Ambrose, S. H. (2023). Archaeology and Linguistic Reconstructions of History in East Africa. In The Archaeological and Linguistic Reconstruction of African History (pp. 104-157). University of California Press.

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